Throughout the duration of Keep Swimming Foundation’s 2020 Virtual Fundraiser, we will be teaming up with great fitness wellness coaches from across the country so that you can stay healthy during this odd, sedentary year we are all experiencing.

Throughout the week, we will be offering the following four classes:

  • Meditation (45 minute class)

  • Strength & Agility (45-60 minute class)

  • Nutrition: The Importance of Breakfast (30 minute class)

  • Barre (45-60 minute class)

100% of every ticket will directly support Keep Swimming Foundation’s mission.

Each class is a $30 donation or all four classes may be attended for a $75 donation.


Meditation Class with Ashley Barba

Thursday, August, 20 @ 7:00PM CT

About Ashley Barba:

Ashley is a licensed social worker and certified yoga therapist. She combines psychoanalysis and sacred yoga practices to curate personalized mind- body therapy programs for her clients. As a therapist, Ashley enjoys empowering her clients to be their own expert in overcoming challenges and accomplishing their goals.

About ASHLEy’s Meditation Class:

Yoga Nidra is an ancient yogic practice of dynamic relaxation. Using guided imagery, yoga nidra activates the same parts of your brain that turn on when you dream. Imagine being fully conscious while your brain is in REM. It’s said that 1 hour of practice is equal to 4 hours of sleep. If you’re ready to restore your mind and body come sink into a deep relaxation with yoga nidra.


Strength & Agility Class with Gina Caifano

Saturday, August, 22 @ 11:00AM CT


Gina holds a Biological Health Sciences and Masters in Nursing degree from DePaul University and is a Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach for over 15 years. She specializes in specific functional strength and agility training that improves life long fitness. You can find Gina programming and coaching functional strength classes throughout the week and weekend or endurance running around the City of Chicago with her golden retriever Griffey.

About Gina’s Strength & Agility Class:

Bring a friend because you will need the extra motivation! Plus, it’s more fun! We will perform agility bursts coupled with some strength movements making sure you feel the burn and ultimately a stronger, better version of yourself.

NOTE: Mini band and mat required.

Nutrition Class: The Importance of Breakfast with Erika Katariya

Sunday, August, 23 @ 9:30AM CT

ABOUT Erika katariya:


Erika Katariya started her lifestyle and fitness journey into healthy living 14 years ago. Together with the support of her husband, son, and chihuahua, Erika supports her community by bringing people together to focus on the simple ways they can improve their everyday life through movement and positive thinking.

About Erika’s Nutrition class:

Many Americans skip out on breakfast, despite it being the most important meal of the day. In this webinar, Erika will discuss nutrition basics and what you can do for breakfast to assure you are receiving the proper start to your day!


Barre Class with Kalyn Shieffer

Monday, August, 24 @ 6:30PM CT

ABOUT kalyn Shieffer:

Kalyn has been teaching barre classes for New England-based Barre & Yoga studio chain Barre & Soul since 2017. As a former collegiate athlete, she stumbled upon the magic of barre while looking for a more low-impact, yet challenging and fun workout. After a few years of telling anyone and everyone about how amazing the classes were, she decided to become an instructor and completed Barre & Soul's 100 hour training and mentorship program. 

Kalyn loves helping people who are looking to establish a fitness and wellness routine they can actually stick to, and is all about creating real habits and lifestyle changes by putting in the hard work and appreciating everything your body can do for you. She loves hearing that her classes are the hardest, and is always looking for new creative ways to improve her students' experience. Outside of Barre & Soul, Kalyn is a PR pro in the Boston tech scene, where she lives with her fiancé and their two crazy rescue dogs. 

About kalyn’s barre class:

This virtual barre class will combine ballet conditioning, interval cardio, Pilates, yoga and meditation to strengthen your core, lengthen your muscles, center your mind and lift your spirits! Inspired by the Pure Lotte Technique, this method produces visible results, impressive total-body toning and flexibility while maintaining the utmost safety and accessibility for all students. 

NOTE: Participants will need a mat and hand weights (5 lbs or less) or anything that resembles hand weights, (think shampoo bottles, cans, etc.), and a small to mid-sized pillow.